Veg Fresh Farms

Veg Fresh Farms



About Us

At Veg Fresh, we are committed to safe & fresh, from farm to table produce. We have built our reputation on commitment to the highest standards in food safety and sustainability.

Veg-Fresh Farms partners with farmers in California and Mexico to provide year-round conventional and organic fresh fruits and vegetables to our customers. This includes our organic melon program out of Firebaugh, CA, strawberries out of Santa Maria, CA, and tomatoes in Ensenada, Culiacan, and Sayula, MX. These partnerships allow us to offer consistent year-round supply.

In February 2014 Veg-Fresh Farms opened the doors to its state-of-the-art, custom-built facility in Corona, CA. No detail was too small to overlook; every cooler, room, bay, dock, equipment, and office was scrutinized in the design process and construction of the building.


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