Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
The Riverside Sheriffs' Association is the Exclusive Employee Organization representing the following bargaining units: The Law Enforcement Unit, Correctional Deputy Unit, and the Public Safety Unit. The Law Enforcement Unit is comprised of sworn personnel including Deputy Sheriffs, District Attorney Investigators, Deputy Coroners, and Welfare Fraud Investigators employed by the County of Riverside.
In 2023, the Riverside Sheriffs' Association welcomed the sworn members of the Val Verde Unified School District Police Officers' Association as Associate Members of RSA. The VVUSDPOA members enjoy all the benefits of Association membership including access to our exceptional Legal Defense Trust.
In accordance with our primary belief that effective law enforcement must be a joint effort between police and the communities they serve, RSA supports a number of charitable organizations including its very own The Riverside County Deputy Sheriff Relief Foundation. This foundation is something we are particularly proud of.
Through these efforts, and in countless other ways, the Riverside Sheriffs' Association constantly strives to live up to its motto of ''Serving Those Who Serve.''