ISU Insurance Services - The Willingham & Starkey Agency



About Us

Workman's Comp, Industry Specific Business Insurance, Home and Auto.

The only insurance agency providing expert analysis of your current coverage deficiencies, FREE consultations in vital areas like Employment Law and Human Resources, and access to over 400 insurance companies—all backed by a written service guarantee.

The team at ISU Insurance Services – The Willingham & Starkey Agency are your friendly insurance experts. We specialize in workman's comp, industry specific business insurance, and home and auto insurance. As business owners ourselves, we have the utmost respect for you. We recognize that your company has numerous stakeholders – e.g. your owners, employees, their families, your vendors, etc. Therefore, we take the responsibility of protecting your business, yourself, and your family very seriously. We are committed to creatively designing and securing the absolute best insurance options for you, and then providing the utmost in ongoing professional service. Contact us to get covered today!