Foster Care PlacementMinority-Owned BusinessNon Profit / Community Service Organization
Monday to Thursday 9am to 4:30PM
Driving Directions:
1655 e 6th st suitA-4C
Corona ca 92879
“Making a Difference in Foster Care”.
Every day, children of all ages are removed from dangerous and neglectful home environments and placed in foster care. The need is especially great for older kids. If you can open your heart and home to a child of any age, AVANT-GARDE FOSTER FAMILY AGENCY is ready to help you through the process of becoming a Resource Parent.
And if you are considering adoption, foster care provides a great opportunity to grow your family when reunification is not possible.
You will receive:
• A tax-free monthly stipend per child in care, (up to $6,162 for maximum capacity)
• Specialized training and support
• 24/7 emergency access to your agency social worker
• The satisfaction of making a difference in the life of a child
You may qualify if you:
• Are over 25 yrs of age
• Can pass a background check
• Have a driver’s license and social security card
• Can pass a home inspection
Call us today at 951-735-5300 to schedule your private orientation meeting to get all your questions answered.
Lic # 336425900
We speak Spanish too...