Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the newest cannabis dispensary in town!
Dr. Sara Safari, renowned speaker and author of ''Climb Your Everest'' will be our guest speaker at Circle City Rotary on Wednesday December 6th 2023 at 7am.
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mpact instant canopy annual blowout sale, open box, clearance, parking lot sale
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Assemblyman Bill Essayli presents Senior Scam Stopper Workshop. Come learn how to protect yourself from common scams related to home improvement, auto repair, insurance, telemarketing, real estate, and more!
Join us for as we welcome Encanto Tacos & Micheladas to the Corona Chamber family at their ribbon cutting ceremony. #encantotacos #coronachamber #ribboncutting #grandopening
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904 E. 6th St., Corona, CA 92879 – (951) 737-3350 –