Support Shuttles4Soldiers as they put on a Charity for Bingo event at Polly's Pies Norco! Munch and play for a good cause, as all proceeds will go to support transportation for Veterans!
Grab a friend, preferably the best CornHole player you know and with a $75 team registration, you will be entered into our ABC Hopes CornHole Tournament.
Please join Live Love Fashion as they host their first vendor event: ''Fabulous Fall Soirée''!
#EmptyBowls #SettlementHouse #RentalAssistance #NorcoStrong #EndingHungerTogether #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors #SoupForACause #GiveHope #CoronaNorcoCommunity
We warmly invite you to join us for a guided tour of our new Neighborhood Healthcare PACE facility in Murrieta. Accompanied by our dedicated staff, we will explore the hallways that many of our participants walk every day.
Short-staffed? Need help hiring? Look no further than your CORONA Chamber and the Employer Connect Program. This program offers up to $9,600 in wage-reimbursement for a new hire for qualifying employers in Riverside County District 2. Join us on 10/10 at the Corona Chamber to learn more and to apply for consideration. Light breakfast bites served. All small businesses welcome.