Friday Nov 1, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Online MasterClass.
Register: Click SAVE MY SPOT to register.
For more information, please call Sharon at 951-398-1131. Thank you!
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Sharon N. Vidano can help you create a life that you love living. She specializes in helping people build their dreams, and accelerate their results so that they can create richer, more fulfilling lives.
As humans, we all experience difficult times in life.
The key to successfully navigating life’s toughest terrain lies within your capacity to embrace the tough terrain.
Although it may not feel like it, life’s challenges are here to help you grow.
You can either resist life’s most difficult moments – deny them, get bitter & angry and become victim to them… or you can embrace and use these very same circumstances as a golden opportunity to evolve into the next, best version of yourself. . . sometimes this is easier said than done. . . Of course, this is easier said than done. . .
In this free, 1-hour online class, you’ll discover: